When was the last time you really had a fresh idea to innovate your business? Learn more

Explore the future and connect

Discover and learn, question and challenge, inspire, get inspired and connect as you explore the future of society, the planet and technology?

VoyEdge has over 12 years of experience helping companies and organizations uncover what’s next. Or could be next. Identifying opportunities and triggering ambitions that stimulate innovation and unleash creativity. Driving evolution and even revolution.

As VoyEdge, we take you on a challenging journey to the forefront of global advances and connect you to other business, research and innovation leaders. Our custom programs reflect the key drivers in your world. And we take care of the whole travel side, too.

Result: you get to explore innovation from the inside and plug into a high-quality network that covers the world’s innovation hotspots. So you know how to get ahead of the game. And stay there. 

Shared experiences

Joep Verheijen

DGA B-TOO architects

A super inspiring trip to Sillicon Valley! The whole trip was very well prepared and the group was smoothly guided through the busy program. Personally, things have been clarified for my company because of the many insights from other angles. And a mindset where on return the insights were converted into policy. And resulted in staff expansion, shifts of activities and responsibilities. 

Dennis Lausberg

Director Real Estate Development & Management, Rotterdam City of Residence

A fantastic program with visits to inspiring companies, full of encounters with special people. The energy and creativity sparkle. VoyEdge relieves you completely, so you only have to participate. Maximum efficiency. Rosalie also challenges everyone in a motivating way to reach their travel goals.

Nienke van de Hoef

Co-founder Scrum Company, agile coach, speaker author

A dream come true: with our whole team from Scrum Company to Silicon Valley. Natascha of VoyEdge did a big job by approaching exactly the right parties and presenting us with a wonderful mix of entrepreneurs, inspirators and organizations. That in combination with a teambuilding program makes this trip unforgettable for us.