When was the last time you really had a fresh idea to innovate your business? Learn more

Explore the future and connect

Discover and learn, question and challenge, inspire, get inspired and connect as you explore the future of society, the planet and technology?

VoyEdge has over 12 years of experience helping companies and organizations uncover what’s next. Or could be next. Identifying opportunities and triggering ambitions that stimulate innovation and unleash creativity. Driving evolution and even revolution.

As VoyEdge, we take you on a challenging journey to the forefront of global advances and connect you to other business, research and innovation leaders. Our custom programs reflect the key drivers in your world. And we take care of the whole travel side, too.

Result: you get to explore innovation from the inside and plug into a high-quality network that covers the world’s innovation hotspots. So you know how to get ahead of the game. And stay there. 

Shared experiences

Dirk Currie

CEO Telesur

I took part in an executive tour in Silicon Valley, California, USA in April 2014 at the invitation of Divitel and organized by VoyEdge. The experience was very special. Meeting people from different companies and agencies and different cultures was one of the peculiarities of this tour and an experience I wouldn't want to miss. The second special thing was to get to know Silicon Valley as the heart of innovation and startup companies in the world in the field of technology and especially ICT and multi media technology. It was special to get to know the ecosystem that takes care of this development and to know that it was created almost naturally and not really planned. A peculiarity here is that "failure is normal"; if you have never failed you have never done something and therefore never learned anything. This is exceptional because in many other countries and cultures failure is experienced as negative. I have learned a lot and am therefore better able to help support the climate of entrepreneurship and innovation in Suriname.
Thanks to everyone who has given me the opportunity to do so. A life experience that will always stay with me. 

Sjoerd Bruinsma

Relationship Manager Rabobank Twente-Oost

The program was perfectly taken care of; visits to inspiring companies, university and speakers. In addition, there was room for social, cultural and social topics and relaxation. All in all a very active, innovative and challenging week. The participants appreciated the trip and the professionalism of the program very much and especially the contribution of Ester / VoyEdge.

Erik van Keulen

Chairman National Consultation Secretaries Universities

VoyEdge organised the work mission to Finland in an excellent manner. They provided an excellent, effective and very informative working visit, which took place in a very pleasant and relaxed atmosphere. They provide the right interlocutor and arrange everything down to the last detail.