When was the last time you really had a fresh idea to innovate your business? Learn more

Explore the future and connect

Discover and learn, question and challenge, inspire, get inspired and connect as you explore the future of society, the planet and technology?

VoyEdge has over 12 years of experience helping companies and organizations uncover what’s next. Or could be next. Identifying opportunities and triggering ambitions that stimulate innovation and unleash creativity. Driving evolution and even revolution.

As VoyEdge, we take you on a challenging journey to the forefront of global advances and connect you to other business, research and innovation leaders. Our custom programs reflect the key drivers in your world. And we take care of the whole travel side, too.

Result: you get to explore innovation from the inside and plug into a high-quality network that covers the world’s innovation hotspots. So you know how to get ahead of the game. And stay there. 

Shared experiences

Erik van Keulen

Chairman National Consultation Secretaries Universities

VoyEdge organised the work mission to Finland in an excellent manner. They provided an excellent, effective and very informative working visit, which took place in a very pleasant and relaxed atmosphere. They provide the right interlocutor and arrange everything down to the last detail. 

Jeroen Heine

Director VP Capital

VoyEdge has more than excellently guided and advised us on our inspirational trip to China and contributed to make this trip an unforgettable one. From the start it was clear: these are people with relevant demonstrable experience and a (personal) drive to offer an absolutely unique experience. During the trip this was confirmed. 

Leo Stelloo

Director OV Software

After ten years of doing business, you think you know it all and you are still busy with the daily business. This week to Silicon Valley was fantastic, because it gave me time to exchange ideas with other entrepreneurs, to be inspired by American entrepreneurs, managers and professors and all that in the always fascinating Silicon Valley. It gave me great contacts from Twente and also a number of ideas which I immediately picked up when I got home